Campaign #DesaprendeElMachismo



Awareness campaign aimed at men

As long as men do not put on our part and truly involve ourselves in fighting against the macho violence, we will not end with the MURDERS or with the suffering of thousands of women.

For this reason, the ALMA Association against Gender Violence, within the framework of action of the # ProyectoALMA for the awareness of the society in the matter of Gender Violence, wants to involve the largest number of men in this fight and for that we have carried out a campaign in social networks and media in order to get as many men as possible to be involved, and in this way to raise awareness about the "micromachismos" that are usually used without perceiving them as something dangerous.

In order to reach as many people as possible, before the beginning of the campaign we began a series of contacts with the media to get them to echo the campaign and give it the widest possible dissemination.

We got Canal Extremadura news to echo the campaign by broadcasting a report on the project in its program on November 25, 2016.
With the same purpose, we got in touch with the Diario Hoy, in which the ten different messages have been appearing each day of the week and which can be seen in the attached supporting documentation. With the insertion of messages in this means of communication we have achieved an impact of more than 150,000 people.

In social networks we have mainly used Facebook and Twitter, although we have also used others such as Google and Instagram.

Development of the Campaign.
It began with the diffusion in the various social networks of a presentation video for which an old radio message against Gender Violence was used in which the ladder of Gender Violence is covered in the opposite direction. This video has been very important for the media to echo the campaign because of the interesting result that our campaign was aimed at men and especially to change their perception of micromachism.

Impact on the Media
We started the campaign with the dissemination of a video on social networks, and we made it reach Canal Extremadura, in order to invite them to give out, which came with an interview we made and was issued coinciding with the International Day against Gender Violence, on November 25, giving great impact to our Campaign. That same day we were able to participate in Canal Extremadura Radio for the same reason.

For a wider dissemination of the campaign insert a different message in the Diario Hoy de Extremadura the first ten days of December, making them coincide with the messages broadcast on social networks.

With a circulation of more than 150,000 copies, with the insertion of these messages in the Diario Hoy, we have achieved an impact of more than 500,000 people, a very satisfactory result.

In addition to the insertion of these ten messages, on December 7 the newspaper Hoy published an article about the Association that we saw reflected in social networks by the increase of followers in each of them.

To this we must add the article published in the Diario ABC in its national edition on November 30

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