In an emergency situation or harassment between us we can help. Put a violet ribbon in your hand, that means that a woman who feels harassment or fear can give you her hand without asking and together you will look for help.
Our association is developing, with the collaboration of the University of Extremadura, a device so that women who suffer gender violence, even if they live with their aggressor, have the possibility of asking for help from the security forces.
From the moment we were born as an association we saw the importance of joining forces, that together we will be stronger and we will be able to advance faster. For this reason we try to join other associations, entities or companies in order to achieve progress in the fight against gender violence and help as many women as possible.
We continue working on the development of the ALMA Camouflaged Aid Device, so that any woman who is the victim of gender violence can request assistance from the security forces in the face of a dangerous situation.
We need your help to get it, become a member and help us to help.
There are many tools that exist to be able to fight against gender violence: applications, guides, ... here you will find material that will help you to detect if you suffer gender violence, like helping your daughter who is a victim of gender violence, diverse applications to analyze your relationship, etc, etc.
by Asociación Alma contra la violencia de género•11 November 2024
El pasado viernes 8 asistimos a los IV Premios Famufex donde nuestra entidad ha sido una de las galardonadas. Gracias a Famufex por tan importante reconocimiento a nuestro trabajo, que más relevancia tiene viniendo de compañeras, las cuales conocen de primera mano lo complicado de la labor que realizamos.
ALMA Project
A constant work and at your service
With more than 500 active members, associations, institutions, companies and other entities make us a trustworthy association. Staying united is what makes us a strong community and allows us to make a difference. This is the only way we can work to support and help thousands of women who are victims of gender violence.
Reception with Her Majesty the Queen
Become aware in time
Unfortunately in our society Gender Violence is still a great unknown, so one of the objectives of our association is the creation of campaigns and projects that allow us to realize a true social awareness about Gender Violence.
Help and Support
The world is global and this allows us to help any woman who can get in touch with our association. To achieve this we seek the necessary alliances so that any woman who needs help to get out of a life of abuse is not alone.
Welcome to our association, we are waiting for you with open arms
We are an association dedicated to the fight against gender violence and to achieve real equality between men and women. The only thing we need is you. Regardless of whether you want to support us or if you need help, do not hesitate to contact us and be part of our community.
The voices of our members
Soledad Romero Maya, Social Educator of the ALMA Association.
«The ALMA Association is a project towards a utopia, where gender and social equality are not only objectives, but achievable realities.»
Gregorio Gómez Mata, Co-founder and Secretary of the ALMA Association.
"For me it is of the utmost importance that there are currently associations that provide real support to women victims of gender violence. Collaboration and help with other associations make our work easier. "
How to get:
Calle Padre Tomas 2, 06011 Badajoz, Spain
Contact the ALMA Association now
If you need help or want to contact us, here you have us.